Monday, November 16, 2009

First Food

T was excited at first to try big people food.....

Until she got a taste of it


Quick wash it down, Please!

Most of it ended up here on her bib.

We started Talitha on quinoa cereal tonight. I toasted it, ground it up, then cooked it. I did not add anything to it. By T's reaction I think tomorrow I'll try adding some of Mommy's milk to see if that will sweeten it up to her liking.


Can Our Family? said...

That series of pictures is hilarious! It's so amazing that you were able to capture all those facial expressions! We all cracked up over here.
You're a really great photographer.
The house you're moving to in January looks like a really nice location. We'll definitely have to visit you up there. :)

Astorga's said...

Thanks! We had so much fun with her first few feedings but she has decided that she's not really wanting to eat big people food yet and just wants to stick to milk for now. Maybe we'll try again after the move. We would love to have you up for a visit! We'll have enough space for you to stay the night even if you want to!!