Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Milkshakes & Doughnuts


I have learned that often when we are craving certain foods it means our bodies are trying to tell us they need more of something.

What could I possibly need that is making me crave milkshakes and doughnuts?!?! I am trying hard not to give into this temptation, espcially the doughnut thing they just always make me sick to my stomach anyway. Milkshakes on the other hand have calcium and vitiam D.. which makes it a very good reason to eat ice cream!

Monday, February 23, 2009

3rd Trimester (feels more like the 1st.)

Today is the start of my 28th week, we are now officially in the 3rd trimester. Even though it is the 3rd I feel like it is the 1st all over again, but with new aches and pains. I feel like it is very similar in that I’m exhausted all the time, especially any day I have to get up at 6:00am to go to work. Once again I’m having to watch what I eat no spaghetti, Oj, or anything acidity because now instead of morning sickness it’s heart burn and an upset tummy. I even wake up in the middle of the night with heart burn. I’m up every hour to go to the bathroom and tossing and turning with a body pillow is actually quite difficult.

But on a positive note… I am very happy to still be pregnant. I get more and more excited each day knowing I am one day closer to holding my baby in my arms. I think I am mostly looking forward to holding, caressing, and nurturing her, where as Noe is excited to teach her all the wonderful things he knows. He can’t wait to show her how to draw and use color and play music. Secretly though, I know he really can’t wait to hold her too, just like me.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

7 Months Pregnant

Here is my (not so flattering) 7 month pregnancy photos. I'm sure I'll like them more in a year, but right now ... eh..

Although in 2 weeks I'll be having professional photos taken by our good friend Amber French. She is AMAZING and I can't wait to see what her pictures will look like when we are done. I'll for sure post those ones. As for now I did promise an update photo so here it is.

If you want to check out the lovely and talented Amber and her work go to to see her portfolio or click on her blog for galleries. Baby Zoe is my favorite if you click on the small photo at the top of her blog for Zoe it will take you to her gallery for our friends the Green's.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Over Achiever

I just wanted to add that during the last stress test our midwife commented on how mature Talitha is for her gestation. She said that for her heart to pick up on the monitor and be so strong with so many movements this early is not as common and just shows how healthy she is and that she is advanced for her age. Go Talitha!!

Bed Rest Bordom

26 Weeks
111 Days to Talitha's Arrival!

Today is Day 5 of being on house arrest. J/K. But that's what modified bed rest feels like. I can take a shower and make myself something to eat but other than that I'm confined to the couch or bed. No chores, no unpacking, just reading and movies all day long. Today is the first day we've got Internet at our house so this is kind of exciting, something new to do for a change. Last Wednesday we had quite the scare. I had a very stressful couple of days on Monday and Tuesday. I couldn't eat much even though I really tried for Talitha. I thought I was drinking enough water, but apparently I wasn't because when I went to see our midwife I was dehydrated. On Wednesday at work I started spotting and light cramping. We went in to see our midwife and she did some extensive testing. She hooked us up to a baby heart & contractions monitor for 20 min. Then we had an ultra sound, pelvic exam, and urine test.
All tests showed Talitha is healthy and moving more than ever. B -) That made us very happy and relieved. I was assigned to moderate bed rest for a week and if everything is perfect and feeling good I can go back to work on Wednesday. I did start having some Braxton Hix contractions. I had one long one that night and I've had 3 more sense. I called in and again my midwife assured me these are normal and ok as long as they are not several in a row with more than 4-6 an hour. It' kind of strange to be feeling contractions this early, I didn't expect them until month 8 or 9. But we can rest knowing that everything right now is going just fine.