Monday, June 28, 2010

Mamma Robin

Outside our living room window in the small tree there is a momma Robbin. She just made her nest a few weeks ago and she sits on her eggs and hunts for worms in our front yard. It's amazing to watch her. We can't wait to see the new baby birds when they finally hatch. We feel so blessed to be living in such a beautiful place.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Talitha's Favorite Ring Tone

Our friend has this song as his ring tone and Talitha loves it so much she dances every time she hears it.

Our Friends The Knauer's Visit

Talitha had so much fun playing with Dorian

Tristan had fun too. I tried to get more pictures of him too but he is FAST.


We had fun, hope to see you all again soon!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Making Salad With Mommy

I gave Talitha her own bowl with a spoon and the left over pieces of unused salad and she had so much fun helping me make salad for dinner. She's an excellent little helper!!