Sick!! Sick!!! Sick!!! And Talitha thinks it's pretty funny to watch and then when I'm done she pretends she's me and bends over and say's "Look, I'm sick too Blaaaagh!" I was sick when I was pregnant with Talitha for 4 months, but nothing like this time!! Which leads Noe's mom to think it's a boy this time. I've had to take medication to minimize the throwing up and even though it helps some it does not make me feel any better any more. The first week I was taking the zofran it helped me feel better .. now I just throw up once or twice a day instead of every time I eat. I have had about 4 days of feeling good in the past 2 months. Today and yesterday are 2 of them so I am hopeful that I am on the upswing of things.
Yaay.... I feel good.... so now I can catch up on laundry, dishes, and cleaning...... yaay fun.