Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fantastic News!!

I just received our lab results back and everything is A.O.K. I tested negative for Cystic Fibrosis, whew, that's a scary one. All the lab work looks normal, we are healthy and moving right along.

Speaking of moving, I think I might have, maybe, just might have felt the baby move for the first time today! I was sitting at my desk folding the mail and I felt it. A tiny fluttering or kind of like a little tickle down low. I’ve felt many things since this pregnancy began and most of it up till now has just been slight cramping when my uterus grows or a pinching feeling, nothing ever really pleasant. But this time it was totally different. It only lasted about 30 seconds but it was so amazing. I could have leaped out of my chair and danced around my cubicle I was so excited. We have our 1st ultra-sound next Friday the 7th and we’ll actually get to see the baby moving. We still won’t know if it’s a girl or boy until December, but it will be incredible just to see our little sprout for the first time!! I’m going to take our digi camera and see if we can get video the baby’s movement on the ultra-sound. I’ll post it on the blog if it works out.



Anonymous said...

Excellent! I am enjoying reading this and keeping up to date with your prego-ness. Congrats again to all of you. -Mandy

Astorga's said...

Thanks Mandy! You should start a blog for Gwen, that would be so neat to see her progress too. :)