Friday, November 11, 2011

A Rumbly In My Tumbly

I felt the baby move for the first time yesterday! I wasn't sure about it then but I thought maybe.
Then today when I woke up from my nap I was just laying next to Talitha resting while she slept. I started feeling something. Kind of like popcorn on my side just in one spot. I lay there really still and waited and it happened again, then again, and again. So I pushed on my tummy in that spot and the feeling stopped. Then a minute later I felt it again. A pushing sensation that was not gas. Every time I would push on my tummy in that spot it would stop for a minute then it would start again. This went on for about 5 minutes then I think the wee one got tired of being poked and moved into a different position. It's an amazing feeling that first time you KNOW you are feeling the baby move. It makes me feel even closer to the little one I haven't met yet, and I'm more excited than ever for their arrival!

1 comment:

Can Our Family? said...

That's so exciting. That's a feeling that can never be outdone. It's simply amazing and it makes you realize there is a person living inside you.