Friday, March 20, 2009

Are You Kidding Me?

No one could possibly look this happy while pumping milk and talking on the phone.

You have got to be joking!!

This is an ad I found for a hands free breast pump. This photo is pretty disturbing to someone like me who has never used one. Don't think I will be purchasing this model.



Anonymous said..., but if you are pumping many times a day, believe me, you will want the use of your hands! You may choose not to talk on the phone though. I was happy to pack the pump away!

Judy said...

It is the fancy 'hands free' bra that let's you live while producing sustenance for your babe. As Mandy said, not the height of fashion, but priorities do change a bit! You will be a fantastic mom!

Can Our Family? said...

I never used an electric one, I used a manual one, which was fine... I used it for 2 years! I learned to use the phone while using 2 hands to pump! :) Only to call Eric to see how baby was doing, of course.

Are you planning to go back to work after Talitha is born? If not, you might not ever need to pump.