Sunday, May 24, 2009

Talitha Arrives May 22nd 2009 3:15 am

I'm sorry this is so past due. I had a very long 3 days of labor that wiped me out com pletely and I still don't have the energy to write about it, so I'm just going to say it was T O U G H. I'll write about that part another day.

So here she is.... I introduce Talitha Kumi Astorga Our Lil Sprout has arrived.

3:30am Only 15 minutes old.

Day 2 snug as a bug in the hand made blankie from Penny. It's very soft and snuggly!

Auntie Amy Came to help out. She stayed with us from Sunday through Monday (memorial day) and she has been an incredible help with everything!!! I honestly don't know how I'm going to do it all when she is gone.
Grandma & Grandpa Pritchard came up to meet her.

At the hospital we were all very tired. It had been a long week. Labor started late Monday early Tuesday and we had her on Friday morning at 3:15 am.

Abuelita (little grandma) Marcial came to visit too.

Talitha is very opiniated already and I get expressions like this at times when something isn't just the way she prefers. Like how she takes her milk. = )

Blowing Bubbles

and yes she has a ton of hair!!
Here we are happy little Astorga family after 48 hours stuck in early labor with hard contractions and 8 hours hard labor.


Judy said...

Yikes! Such a beautiful little bundle! Well worth the wait!

mandy said...

Oh she is amazing! Good work! And it sounds like it was a lot of work. You must be exhausted! She has Noe cheeks! Can't wait to meet her. Please let me know if I can help.

rhowena said...

She's so beautiful. Can't wait to meet her and see you again :)

Anonymous said...

Love love love the pictures. Since I'm not there, I'm soooo glad you had the energy to post these. You Are AMAZING. Hugs to the new daddy, and hugs and kisses to super mommy. She does have Noe's cheeks!!! =) Smooches to the little bundle.

-- Lori

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a job. She's adorable! Congratulations! I'm a little late (I just found out you have a blog) but I'm glad I can now see all the wonderful photos until I get to meet Talitha in person. We are so happy for you guys!

Love to the new fam,